Depleted Uranium

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Opinion: Why the Depleted Uranium Debate Is a Capstone Matter:

‘American use of DU is “A crime against humanity which may, in the eyes of historians, rank with the worst atrocities of all time.” US Iraq Military Vets “are on DU death row, waiting to die.”‘ –

After the United States bombed Japan with the Atomic and Hydrogen bomb, it not only killed many people, it created a highly painful and torturous affect that literally melted the skin from people’s bodies and left behind a legacy of not only cancer but of disrupting people’s genome, thus causing mutations that still occur to this day. . . . In our classrooms across America, we point out this incident and ask our students if they believe it was justified (despite there being evidence Japan would have surrendered prior to the bombings.) Even former Defense Secretary Robert McNamera said if we would have lost WWII we would have been tried as war criminals. So why aren’t we just as concerned when we hear reports that Fallujah, Iraq may exceed Hiroshima and Nagasaki birth defects and cancers? Why isn’t this headline news? New York Time’s “most important intellectual alive today,” Noam Chomsky, has said in an interview with Z Magazine that this story should outweigh reporting on Wikileaks (another very important issue that has found many very significant things, all of course under reported).
We learn about this single event in Japan, may not even mention the remnants it has today and refuse to delve into the full-spectrum array of this issue of uranium and chemical weapons that more than appear to be genotoxic. Some key subjects relating to this are the following: Atomic Veterans, Plutonium Files, Agent Orange, White Phosphorus, Gulf War Syndrome, Balkans Syndrome, Burning Semen Syndrome, Radiation Poisoning of the Navajo, Project Plum Bob, exploding a nuke in our ozone, exploding nukes underground and in oceans.
Combined with carcinogens that are found in our foods and toiletries (including GMOs, which has caused sterility in third generation hamsters)(54)(55). And potentially harmful waves from cellphones, etc. could there be a straw that breaks the camel’s back – that being our single, shared human gene pool?

[Added to this, the US has exploded over 1000 nuclear bombs(51), many underground and in the ocean, together the world has exploded over 2000 nuclear bombs(52). Several nuclear satellites like SNAP-9-A have burned up in our atmosphere spreading things like “the most deadliest element known to man(humans)”–plutonium–over the entire globe for everyone to breathe in and pass along in their DNA. Dr. John Gofman believes many cancers today are due to this single incident(53). This delves into the weaponization of space, perhaps the second greatest threat to humanity aside from global warming (NASA says we’re dead at 350 ppm carbon emissions and we just reached 400 ppm) please watch the link by source #53 (“Arsenal ofHypocrisy” by Bruce Gagnon) or check out “Pax Americana and the Weaponization of Space” with guest appearance by Martin Sheen.]
“Everything today causes cancer”

This saying is precisely why you want to weed out as much as carcinogenic products in your life as you can. If you’re caring a load of bricks on your back and are afraid it may cause you to collapse, why would you be so ready to throw more on?
Below is a glimpse at the depleted uranium issue, keeping in mind USG PSYOPS, disinformation and “slip ups” that have caused the loss of essential documentation. (During the MK Ultra experiments and during the COINTELPRO era the most egregious tactics and actions were not recorded to paper. During the Iran Contra Affair many documents were destroyed, as were many video tapes the CIA had after Bush allowed “enhanced interrogation techniques” the very term Adolf Hitler used in Germany.)


The United States military and NATO forces are currently using munitions made of a dense, brittle metal known as depleted uranium, it works incredibly well for piercing armor (18 other nations also have it in their arsenal, most were sold DU by the US)(1). It is a byproduct of natural, yet radioactive, mined uranium used for creating nuclear power and weapons. However, when used it fragments into particles the size of 0.5 microns, sometimes even smaller than 0.01 microns(2,3). The dust can spread 400 meters (over 3.5 football fields from end zone to end zone, or almost 0.5 miles) from the site immediately after an impact(1). The aerosol is so small that when inhaled it permeates through the alveoli sacs in the lungs, which then goes into the blood, bones, liver, kidneys, lymph nodes, other organs(16) and can even be found in the semen (which can burn on contact)(17). (Also, particles were found in tested rat brains)(18). The dust gets into the blood cells and is even so small that it goes into people’s DNA(3,5), most likely causing horrible cancers(5), aberrations and birth defects(6)(7’). It’s half-life is 4.5 billion years, about the age of our solar system(22). Many news organizations, as well, have reported DU use may be a suspect in the rare birth defects and cancers that seem to be coming up in areas where it’s used. Even FOX News reported an oncologist saying the types of cancers are clear indication of radiation (19). CNN has reported that, “the chief prosecutor for the International War Crimes Tribunal said NATO’s use of depleted uranium could be investigated as a possible war crime.”(20). BBC reported that “Iraqi officials are anxious not to embarrass Americans over the issue” and that “Fallujah officials have warned women that they should not have children” anymore(21). . . .

The Pentagon claims DU is virtually harmless and that it doesn’t contaminate the environment, yet the primary, soldier’s common tasks Army manual reads, “NOTE: Contamination will make food and water unsafe for consumption.”(4). Former Senator of Wisconsin, Russ Feingold, has pointed out their contradictions as well(5’). There is a book titled “Metal of Dishonor” which stemmed out of a meeting at the United Nations Church Center in New York in 1996. It was written by hundreds of people, including scientists, medical and legal experts and political analysts. On pages 205-9 there is a list of some excerpts from US government documents saying things like, “if DU enters the body, it has the potential to generate significant medical consequences” and “since DU weapons are openly available on the world arms market, DU weapons will be used in future conflicts.” They follow up with how the Pentagon, despite their findings believe it is unlikely that DU use is the cause of reported aliments by Gulf War veterans.

About 115 American veterans were hit with these munitions, by friendly fire, in Operation Desert Storm/Persian Gulf War(7), where the military admits we used about 320 tons of it (8), other sources say as much as 800 tons (9). Over half of the 580,000 Gulf War veterans are now disabled—and 10,000 to 13,000 are dead( In Operation Enduring Freedom (initially, “Operation Infinite Justice”) there were 800 tons to perhaps even 1,400 tons used(9)(11). In Operation Iraqi Freedom (now, “Operation New Dawn”)(NOTE1) somewhere around 2,000 tons(12)(13)(14) were used, in just it’s early stages of the war. Not including the Balkans, six times the amount of uranium weapons have been used in these post 9/11/01 wars since the Gulf War and more so in populated areas. “This still radioactive battlefield – and the severe health problems many Iraqis and some US Gulf War veterans ascribe to it – may also be an omen of an unsettled future.” (Christian Science Monitor, 2002)(15).

“We say the war is finished, but what will the future bring?” – Iraqi doctor, Faiz Askar(22)

Iraqi hospital’s birth defects and cancers have increased sharply since the war. One example is the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, a leading medical journal, who published a study, ‘Cancer, Infant Mortality and Birth Sex-Ratio in Fallujah, Iraq 2005–2009’ which says Fallujah’s increase in infant mortality, leukemia, and cancers exceeds those reported by survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There was a 38-fold increase in leukemia in Fallujah compared to a 17-fold increase in Hiroshima. The findings and ills are similar to those of radiation exposure it reports(23)(26). Also, important to note is that in “Operation Phantom Fury” (waged on Fallujah, led by the US) troops deployed white phosphorus(27). The remains of the “City of Mosques” were plowed into the river from which people drink(21).

NPR has reported that over 500 Iraqi vets are now getting sick, due to incinerators used in Afghanistan and Iraq(24). With any war comes a lot of pollution. There is a USA Today article that mentions some of the toxins in the air on the battlefield. They reported cardiovascular disease and respiratory issues are up in veterans 30% and 32%, respectively. They mention a list of metals that can be found within their bodies, but they don’t mention depleted uranium in the article until a veteran brought up the issue(29). It is claimed by the Pentagon that the symptoms Gulf War veterans had could have been due to the Sarin Gas and other chemical and biological weapons that Saddam did have. However, what’s needed to be noted, and often times isn’t, is that US companies sold Saddam many of the agents and facilities to produce them (28). So, whether it’s Saddam’s chemicals, DU use, white phosphorus or other war time pollutants that has contributed to aliments within the Iraqi population, it has to be noted that whatever the cause is, the US is at least in part to blame. You can’t give an assassin a gun, tell him who to kill, and then not take responsibility for the action. This is in affect what the US has done when they backed Saddam Husain, who’s been evoked as a “Hitler”. Things like the Bubonic plague, anthrax, materials to created nuclear weapons and scud missiles were sold to him. The hit tv show “Arrested Development” is based on a family who sold Saddam illegal material. In one of the Chapelle Show’s episodes the “black Nostradamus” says “Saddam had WMDs, we have the receipts” (which can be viewed by anyone so inclined to pick up a copy of “US Export Policy Towards Kuwait 1992” from your local library.) [The scud missiles Saddam fired at Saudi Arabia and Israel after the Gulf War 1 invasion killed zero people. Lies about babies in incubators being thrown on the ground were disproved. The fake nurse who gave the testimony was the daughter of a Jordanian ambassador.]

. . . There has been 148 states that have called for transparency over depleted uranium use in a UN vote(30). There have been huge landslide votes in the UN and European Parliament (136 to 5 & 491 to 18, respectively) to stop using it(6). The UN Environmental Program identified 311 polluted sites in Iraq. Cleaning them up will take at least $40 million and several years. Nothing can start until he fighting stops(31)(32). [Update: Professor Christopher Busby, scientific secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risks, says it’s now over 1,000…(32’)]

Uranium mining in the US has affected certain Native Americans, like the Navajo, as well. In 1979 “93 million gallons of radioactive material spilled into an arroyo and from there into a river, the Rio Puerco that makes the southern boundary of Navajo…it was the largest accidental release of radioactive material in U.S. history.” The Navajo were coerced into working the mines and ended up building their homes out of radioactive material as well (33)…


Why isn’t this a bigger issue in our media?

Like the tobacco industry, the depleted uranium lobby, will lie and twist the facts with all it believes it can get away with. Finally, this year, formaldehyde was added to a list of carcinogens, despite years of lobbying for its use by the chemical industry (34). It wasn’t until 1996 that the US government finally apologized to veterans who suffered from the dioxins in Agent Orange(35). It seems it’s very possibly, if not most likely, a similar trend is occurring with the depleted uranium debate. As Dr. Souad N. Al-Azzawi wrote in a paper found on Harvard’s webpage, “the assassination of 250 Iraqi scientists after Iraq’s invasion by occupation militias is the best way not to continue any kind of research including DU-related research in occupied Iraq”(36)(37). As Project Censored reported, “She was threatened in anonymous phone calls on the eve of her testimony to congress. Subsequently, her car, which contained sensitive information on DU, was mysteriously destroyed”(25). In the documentary “Poison Dust” there is a lady who says when people try and talk about the depleted uranium subject an agent stands up and accuses you of working for Saddam. Indeed, the Pentagon claims that Saddam created the hype over DU as a propaganda campaign. Dr. Douglas Rokke claims that e-mails won’t be sent or are late pertaining to DU relating things. Bullets were fired into his home.

Governments keep sensitive information in their place (38)(46). What people fail to realize is that our country does this too. The FBI harassed Martin Luther King, Jr. and even sent him a letter appearing to get him to commit suicide (39) (a Memphis court trial found agencies within the US government even helped to assassinate MLK)(NY Times). About 30 of what the FBI called “black messiahs” were killed by COINTELPRO operations directed against the Black Panthers in just three years(40). Over 400 American Indian Movement casualties, including 64 deaths, occurred on Pine Ridge in a period of three years during this period as well(41). Deliberately false information has been given to news organizations(42). One even culminated in a young, white, up and coming American actress who had a miscarriage due to FBI lies about her and took her life two years later to the date (Jean Seberg, Time Magazine).  The CIA even admitted to such actions during the Church Committee Hearings back in the mid 1970s. The irrefutable proof can be found on the Library of Congress’s webpage and parts of the testimonies are also archived on the FBI’s own webpage. The toppling of the Saddam statue, the military now admits was a PSYOPS (a Psychological Operation meant to look like Iraqis spontaneously rejoiced at Saddam’s ousting was a fake, directed by and paid for by a US PSYOPS division)(43). It was reported that the Lincoln group was putting out hundreds of disinformation new stories into Iraqi papers that were pro US-led invasion. Sites appearing to be official government sites in Africa were found to be run by the Pentagon(44).

The DoD are not a credible source. You cannot bare your testimony on their reporting. They have a bias to do what’s good for the arms industry and on that “all the laws hang.” Lobbyists from the Pentagon and from different think tanks and corporations influence and give disinformation to corporate media directed by what’s important to Wall Street and Washington (again, this can be found on’s own webpage–see very bottom of text.) The book “Deadly Deceits” by Ralph McGehee, a 25 year veteran of the CIA, has a chapter about how the CIA would spend weeks crafting perfect messages to pitch to Congress that were filled with lies and half truths, that they would eat “hook, line and sinker” as he writes.  Until the American people wake up to the irrefutable fact that we are lied to, that there is some heavy manipulating going on in our media, we won’t be able to direct from the status quo(48). Wikileaks found that in Al Jazeera, of all places, a top news director was holding meetings with the US who got him to withhold certain images of war(45). NATO has been “infiltrated” and perhaps “neutralized” as well, a mole was put in the office of the alliance’s secretary general(47). How many news sources have been under surveillance, infiltrated and neutralized? “Full-spectrum dominance”of “information” is a goal of the Pentagon’s(49)(50).

“Rev. JESSE JACKSON (associate of Martin Luther King): When you have this feeling that the government really is watching you, you know, taps your telephone, maybe in your text files, it has a chilling effect. It takes away your freedom. And often for leaders, none of us are perfect, it neutralizes people.” – NPR [Recall what William Pepper says about Jesse Jackson]


This depleted uranium issue matters because:

Imagine giving birth to a baby with cracked bleeding skin, inside out (red) eyes, and no lips. Or a baby with no head or no heart. Or a baby with one eye in the middle of it’s head (really). Or one with it’s organs on it’s outside, or one that’s simply a pile of carnage… Imagine giving birth to such a baby or having to look at such severe mutations and accept having such a child. You then know this happened, with virtually zero doubt because of the US/NATO toxic invasion or some US/UN Saddam sanction. The war on terror, is a war of terror, that has created far more enemies and that has recruited and inspired Al Qaida like groups far more than it has diminished. Al Qaida attacks sky rocketed after the Iraq invasion. There are legitimate grievances of Muslim majority Nations that must be addressed. The truth must see the light.

This issue matters because if you need someone to tell you why this matters, you yourself, don’t matter.

Years later we see commanders and generals being brought to justice for their roles in torture and massacres in South America, all of which were supported and created by agencies like the CIA and other Western Powers (MI6, MOSSAD). Most often these monsters are graduates of the School of Americas, whom renamed themselves WHINSEC once they were exposed on National Television, briefly and then forgotten, by people who spearheaded the effort like Father Roy Bourgeois and the people at the National Security Archives. Susan Sarandon even narrated a short documentary titled “School of the Assassins.” Christopher Reeves (“Superman”) stood in-between journalists and Pinochet’s armed squadrons to help bring the truth to America, as well as other prominent actors and celebrities.



“To remember the past is to commit oneself to the future. To remember Hiroshima is to abhor nuclear war. To remember Hiroshima is to commit oneself to peace. To remember what the people of this city suffered is to renew our faith in man, in his capacity to do what is good, in his freedom to choose what is right, in his determination to turn disaster into a new beginning.”

“Hiroshima Nagasaki…a butchery of untold magnitude.” – Pope Paul VI


“This business of burning human beings with napalm [is not just].” – Rev. & Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Because the Bible is right, you will reap what you sow.” – MLK

“The greatest purveyor of violence in the world today–my own government.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.


“So when you hear powerful, moving stories of the people who have been victimized by the nuclear fuel cycle, when you realize that we now”shoot” nuclear waste into other peoples’ backyards, you realize thatthis story is obscene. We’re talking about laying the groundwork for perhaps awar of crimes, a war crimes investigation to crimes against ordinary people.And this is a message that has to go out. And yet, where do we see the nationalmedia here? I don’t see network news. I don’t see Channel 2 or Channel 4[covering this story about crimes against humanity and the movement to stopit]. I don’t see the big media today. It just goes to show you that “therevolution is not going to be televised.” And it just goes to show youthat we have “freedom of the press” if you happen to own one.”
-Michio Kaku

Do we need more DU protesting? (“The average American has notheard of depleted uranium” (Project Censored)(25))
(Dr. Kaku is a physicist and is like an “Einstein”. His theory isn’t asaccepted yet, but like how Einstein created the theory of relativity whichdemonstrated that the laws of physics on Earth and the laws of physics in outerspace both operate under the same law, Kaku has come up with an equation(elaborated on String, or M, Theory) that connects the laws of the heavens andEarth to that of the sub atomic level.)
As an anchor on Fox News said to Dr. Kaku, when talking about a solar flarestorm that may erupt in the near future, “coming from you, you add a lot ofcredibility to it.”

SRCS: (Ctrl+F search)
10: 85)
NOTE1: (“Iraqi Freedom” hasbeen proven hypocritical since the dawn of Wikileak’s release of the Frago 242orders, which proved US troops were to ignore torture by Iraqi police forcesdone onto Iraqis in custody. President Bush, Jr. said the people of Iraq wouldno longer have to suffer under Saddam’s torturous regime, yet now the US ledregime is allowed to do so. The findings of the abuse were not petty either.)
11: (a thread)
27: (p.26)

36: http://www.physics.harvard​.edu/~wilson/soundscience/​Al-Azzawi.pdf
53: (“Arsenalof Hypocricy”


“1. CIA Use of Private Foundations, Pre-1967 The use of philanthropic organizations was a convenient way to pass funds, in that large amounts could be transferred rapidly, and in a form that need not alert unwitting officers of the recipient organi- zations to their source. In addition, foundation grants bestowed upon the recipient the apparent “blessing” of the foundation. The funding pattern involved -a mixture of bona fide charitable foundations, devised foundations and funds, “front men” drawn from a list of America’s most prominent citizens, and lawyers representing undisclosed clients. The CIA’s intrusion into the foundation field in the 1960s can onlybe described as massive.”

“Agency officials who testified after the February 11, 1976, announcement
told the Committee that the prohibition extends to non-Americans
accredited to specific United States media organizations.
The CIA currently maintains a network of several hundred foreign
individuals around the world who provide intelligence for the CIA
and at times attempt to influence opinion through the use of covert
propaganda. These individuals provide the CIA with direct access to
a large number of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services
and news agencies, radio and television stations, commercial book
publishers, and other foreign media outlets.
Approximately 50 of the assets are individual American journalists
or employees of U.S. media organizations. Of these, fewer than half
are “accredited” by U.S. media organizations and thereby affected by
the new prohibitions on the use of accredited newsmen. The remaining
individuals are non-accredited freelance contributors and media representatives
abroad, and thus are not affected by the new CIA

“We heard that the FBI attempted to destroy one of our greatest leaders in the field of civil rights, and then replace him with someone of the FBI’s choosing.
From the evidence the committee has obtained, it is clear that the FBI for decades has conducted surveillance over the personal and political activities of millions of Americans. Evidently, no meeting was too small, no group too insignificant to escape their attention. It did not seem to matter whether the politics of these Americans were legal or radical or whether the participants were well known or obscure. It did not matter whether the information was intimate and personal. The FBI created indexes, more commonly called enemy lists, of thousands of Americans and targeted many of the Americans on these lists for special harassment.” – Sen. Walter Mondale, US Senate Church Committee (1975) (Ctrl+F search)

“Among the Media Papers was the suggestion by the FBI that investigation of dissidents be stepped up in order to “‘enhance the paranoia endemic in these circles and [to] further serve to get the point across there is an FBI agent behind every mailbox.’”



DULLRAM – original DU acronym

“1.1 tons of DU in America right now that we need to get rid of”

Interview with Dennis Kyne, 15-year U.S. Army Veteran serving in Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm.


“Over the last decade American and British forces have fired thousands of missiles and bombs on Iraq.  Iraq’s fields and farmlands have been shelled with 300 tons of depleted uranium.  In countries like Britain and America depleted uranium shells are test-fired into specially constructed concrete tunnels.  The radioactive residue is washed off, sealed in cement and disposed off in the ocean (which is bad enough).  In Iraq it’s aimed — deliberately, with malicious intent — at people’s food and water supply.  In their bombing sorties, the Allies specifically targeted and destroyed water treatment plants, fully aware of the fact that they could not be repaired without foreign assistance.  In southern Iraq there has been a four-fold increase in cancer among children.  In the decade of economic sanctions that followed the war, Iraqi civilians have been denied food, medicine, hospital equipment, ambulances, clean water — the basic essentials.” – Arundhati Roy


Bruce: The technologists at the time (1912) said the new fancy high-class Titanic, the largest and most luxurious passenger vessel in the world, was unsinkable.  We were told that nuclear power plants were safe and cheap.  Nuclear power in space was also safe we were told (see below for list of space nuclear accidents).

Cassini was launched by NASA in 1997 with 72 pounds of deadly plutonium-238 onboard.  Just prior to the launch the Santa Fe, New Mexico newspaper reported that while fabricating the plutonium generators for Cassini the Dept. of Energy (DoE) lab at Los Alamos had reported 244 cases of worker contamination.  So even before the launch there was already tragic consequences from the space nuclear production process.  Factor in possible launch mishaps and we are asking for trouble when we seriously consider putting toxic nuclear materials on rockets that historically have about 10% failure rates.

United States

SNAP 9-A, April 1964: Launched aboard a Department of Defense weather satellite that failed to reach orbit. Reactor, as designed, released radioactive contents in upper atmosphere during reentry and then burned. Remnants struck the Indian Ocean. Total of 2.1 pounds of plutonium-238 vaporized in atmosphere and spread worldwide.

SNAP 19, May 1968: Meteorological satellite. Nuclear fuel, 4.2 pounds of uranium-238, stayed intact and was recovered off Southern California coast and reused.

Apollo 13, 1970: Nuclear material, 8.3 pounds of plutonium-238, inside lunar module when it was jettisoned before return to Earth. Now at bottom of South Pacific Ocean near New Zealand. Sampling so far shows no radiation leak.


COSMOS 305, January 1969: Soviet unmanned lunar rover lost rocket power and stayed in orbit, dispersing radiation in upper atmosphere.

Soviet lunar probe, Fall 1969: Unmanned lunar probe burned up and created detectable amounts of radioactivity in the upper atmosphere. Any surviving debris from incident presumed to be on the ocean floor.

RORSAT, April 1973: Soviet satellite launch failed; reactor fell into Pacific Ocean north of Japan. Radiation detected.

COSMOS 954, January 1978: Launch failed; 68 pounds of uranium-235 survived fall through the atmosphere and spread over a wide area of Canada’s Northwest Territories. Canadian-U.S. teams cleaned up; no detectable contamination found.

COSMOS 1402, 1982: Failed launch; reactor core separated from spacecraft and fell to Earth separately in February 1983, leaving radioactive trail in atmosphere and landing in South Atlantic Ocean. Not known if any radioactive debris reached Earth surface or ocean.

COSMOS 1900, April 1988: Soviet radar reconnaissance satellite failed to separate and boost the reactor core into a storage orbit, but backup system managed to push it into orbit some 50 miles below its intended altitude.

COSMOS 1402, February 1993: Crashed into the South Atlantic carrying 68 pounds of uranium-235.

MARS ‘96, November 1996: Disintegrated over Chile or Bolivia, possibly spreading its payload of nearly a half pound of plutonium.–6MFX8muMsuFvhix61u9XFHNxZLBF_sI6JvW9hOaVhTvFvSCxx28

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2017Debating the Colonization of Space


“No radioactivity in Hiroshima ruin” said The New York Times front page on 13 September, 1945, a classic of planted disinformation. “General Farrell,” reported William L. Lawrence, “denied categorically that [the atomic bomb] produced a dangerous, lingering radioactivity.” Lawrence received the Pulitzer Prize.

GREG MITCHELL: Her high school chemistry teacher ended up in the Manhattan Project. He wrote her a letter two months after the bombing, saying that she must get Hollywood to make a big-budget movie that would warn the world about the dangers of remaining on this nuclear path. And, of course, as you mentioned, Albert Einstein was very much allied with that, was probably the leading spokesman for that.
And, you know, Donna Reed set in motion where MGM did start — did launch this movie. At Paramount, they launched a competing movie, with Ayn Rand, of all people, as the screenwriter. So, the book talks a good deal about that. Ayn Rand’s script was ultimately too wacky even for Hollywood, and so Paramount then threw in with MGM on their movie, on their terrible movie.

But in any case, the scientists did — a large number of them did very much turn against the bomb. And partly for their troubles, they were — the leading scientists were surveilled and followed, and their phones tapped, by the FBI.
You mentioned the confiscation of this footage. Just very, very briefly, both the Japanese — a lead Japanese newsreel team and then a U.S. military team filmed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the weeks and months after the bombing. The U.S. footage was all color footage. It was probably all — whenever you see any color footage from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it comes from this U.S. military team. And I told this story first in Atomic Cover-up, a book I wrote a few years ago, and now I’ve just directed a film, also called Atomic Cover-up, that explores how both the Japanese footage and the American footage was suppressed for decades, because it just — it showed too much of the human effects of the bombing.

“It doesn’t take that much for voters in various areas of the country to summon the candidates for their own debates. Less than 1 percent. We calculated in 2012 that if we had about 10,000 people in 20 areas of the country mobilizing to demand that the candidates go to their communities, that would be pretty decisive.” – Ralph Nader

Please sign the petition and hand out ICBU’s leaflet
(this blog is not on behalf of ICBU organization)à-uranium-appauvri/psf/promote_or_share?share=true

(155 UN Nations to ban DU weapons, less than 200 Nations on planet)



Warning extremely graphic, aberrations unknown to science, nay the Iraqi people get no warning, nor can they escape it…

“Gulf War Syndrome: Killing Our Own”–OgstURx0WU4skN8xVNe5MkydGmK72MpvUCdqHFFv6484ds2QXXutc


Mark Manning documentary, ROAD TO FALLUJA





237 thoughts on “Depleted Uranium

  1. ‘Particularly nasty’

    White phosphorus is highly flammable and ignites on contact with oxygen. If the substance hits someone’s body, it will burn until deprived of oxygen., a defence website, says: “Phosphorus burns on the skin are deep and painful… These weapons are particularly nasty because white phosphorus continues to burn until it disappears… it could burn right down to the bone.”


  2. Metal Gear:

    (Footage of the Gulf War is shown)

    Liquid : 1991, the Gulf War. The military secretly injected soldiers with
    the soldier genes. The Gulf War Syndrome that hundreds of thousands
    of returning soldiers complained about, was a side effect of it.

    Snake : Hah. Everyone knows that the Gulf War Syndrome was caused by
    exposure to depleted uranium used in anti-tank rounds.

    Liquid : That was just a cover story issued by the Pentagon. First they
    tried to say it was post-dramatic stress disorder, then chemical
    or biological weapons. The poison gas detection units and the
    anti-sarin injections. They were all just a cover up of this secret
    genetic experiment.

    Snake : So then… the so called Gulf War Babies that have been reported
    by Gulf War veterans are…

    Liquid : Yes… They too our are brothers and sisters.

    Snake : So the Genome Soldiers mean that the experiments were a success?

    Liquid : Success? Don’t be a fool! They’re a complete failure! We’re on the
    verge of extinction.

    Snake : What!?

    Liquid : Have you ever heard of the Asymmetry Theory? Nature tends to favor
    asymmetry. Those species which have gone extinct all show signs of
    symmetry. The Genome Soldiers suffer from the same problem… signs
    of symmetry. So do I, as do you.



    Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals and Materials

    Find out if you can get disability compensation or benefits for illnesses or other conditions, like the ones listed below, believed to be caused by contact with harmful chemicals or other hazardous materials while serving in the military.

    Medical Care for Volunteers Involved in Chemical and Biological Testing

    As many as 60,000 Veterans volunteered for medical research for the U.S. Biological and Chemical Programs between 1942 and 1975. You can get medical care through the U.S. Army if you volunteered for this research and have an injury or illness directly caused by your participation.
    If you have questions or need help getting medical care:
    Visit the U.S. Army web page, or
    Call 1-800-984-8523
    Agent Orange
    If you served in or near Vietnam during the Vietnam Era—or in certain related jobs—you may have had contact with Agent Orange and other toxic chemicals used to clear plants and trees during the war.
    If you worked in certain military jobs, you may have had contact with asbestos (toxic fibers once used in many buildings and products).
    Birth Defects like Spina Bifida
    If you served in South Vietnam or the Republic of Korea during certain time periods, you may have had contact with chemicals like Agent Orange believed to cause birth defects in the children of Veterans.
    Contact with Mustard Gas or Lewisite
    If you served at the German bombing of Bari, Italy, in World War II or worked in certain other jobs, you may have had contact with mustard gas.
    Contaminated Drinking Water at Camp Lejeune
    If you served at Camp Lejeune or MCAS New River between August 1953 and December 1987, you may be at risk for certain illnesses believed to be caused by contaminants found in the drinking water during that time.
    Gulf War Illness
    If you served in the Southwest Asia theater of operations, you may be at risk of certain illnesses or other conditions linked to this region.
    Gulf War Illness in Afghanistan
    If you served in Afghanistan, you may be at risk of certain illnesses or other conditions linked to this region.
    Project 112/SHAD
    If you were part warfare testing for Projects 112 or Shipboard Hazard and Defense (SHAD) from 1962 to 1974, you may be at risk of illnesses believed to be caused by chemical testing.
    Radiation Exposure
    If you served in the post-WWII occupation of Hiroshima or Nagasaki, were imprisoned in Japan, worked with or near nuclear weapons testing, or served at a gaseous diffusion plant or in certain other jobs, you may be at risk for illnesses believed to be caused by radiation.
    Specific Environmental Hazards
    If you served in Iraq, Afghanistan, Djibouti, or near Atsugi, Japan, you may have had contact with toxic chemicals in the air, water, or soil.


  4. The Blu-26 we’re staring at is one of an estimated 80 million pieces of unexploded ordnance that remain in Laos, dropped by the United States between 1964 and 1973. It was one of 670 similar bomblets inside the shell of a cluster bomb, called a CBU-24, that opened in midair to drop its contents. Most cluster bomblets exploded on impact. The one we’re now looking at did not.

    This region, Xieng Khouang, is the most heavily bombed area in Laos. It formed part of the Ho Chi Minh trail, an area that was carpet-bombed to prevent supplies being taken into Vietnam during the war between the communist north and the US-backed south.


  5. Coordinates revealing where US jets and tanks fired nearly 10,000 DU rounds in Iraq during the war in 2003 have been obtained by the Dutch peace group Pax. This is the first time that any US DU firing coordinates have been released, despite previous requests by the United Nations Environment Programme and the Iraqi government.

    According to PAX’s report, which is due to be published this week, the data shows that many of the DU rounds were fired in or near populated areas of Iraq, including As Samawah, Nasiriyah and Basrah. At least 1,500 rounds were also aimed at troops, the group says.


  6. When I first went to Hiroshima in 1967, the shadow on the steps was still there. It was an almost perfect impression of a human being at ease: legs splayed, back bent, one hand by her side as she sat waiting for a bank to open.
    At a quarter past eight on the morning of August 6, 1945, she and her silhouette were burned into the granite.

    I stared at the shadow for an hour or more, then I walked down to the river where the survivors still lived in shanties.

    I met a man called Yukio, whose chest was etched with the pattern of the shirt he was wearing when the atomic bomb was dropped.

    He described a huge flash over the city, “a bluish light, something like an electrical short,” after which wind blew like a tornado and black rain fell. “I was thrown on the ground and noticed only the stalks of my flowers were left. Everything was still and quiet, and when I got up, there were people naked, not saying anything. Some of them had no skin or hair. I was certain I was dead.”

    Nine years later, I returned to look for him and he was dead from leukaemia.

    “No radioactivity in Hiroshima ruin” said The New York Times front page on 13 September, 1945, a classic of planted disinformation. “General Farrell,” reported William L. Lawrence, “denied categorically that [the atomic bomb] produced a dangerous, lingering radioactivity.” Lawrence received the Pulitzer Prize.



    If you want to end the use of radioactive weapons, then you need to end the research being carried out at places like Lawrence Livermore Labs in Berkeley, California, which is one of the oldest institutions for nuclear research. The following information was sent to me by a member of Tri-Valley Cares, an organization which works to end that research. It is a long message, but this action is the kind of thing that needs to be done to express our opposition WHERE AND WHEN IT COUNTS.
    Essential Information: Livermore Lab’s New Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement
    We have prepared this essential information in two parts:
    Part One describes the key issues at Livermore Lab and the law. Part Two includes a time-critical action alert. Livermore Lab and its parent agency are trying to ramrod through – and therefore stifle – your ability to influence decisions about Livermore Lab’s nuclear weapons activities, the amount of plutonium onsite, the use of outdoor firing tables for toxic bomb blasts, and other key issues by conducting a “hurry up” online meeting September 2 and a very short comment period.
    So, please read both parts and use our “sign and send” action alert at the end to request an extension of time.
    Part One: Key Issues
    On August 5, 2020 the Livermore Lab and its parent agency, the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) announced a decision to conduct a new Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement (SWEIS) to analyze operations at the Lab’s Main Site in Livermore and its Site 300 near Tracy, CA over the coming 15 years. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is the law that governs the process along with the NNSA’s own guidance regarding how it will implement the law.
    The first step in undertaking a new Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement is called “scoping.” That’s the step triggered by the agency’s formal “Notice of Intent” to prepare a SWEIS, published in the Federal Register on August 5th. You can read the Notice at
    The law requires that there be an early and open process for determining the scope of the issues to be addressed by the review. Remember that this document will authorize activities for 15 years, i.e., until 2036 at a minimum. This is your opportunity to offer input on what the Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement should include. The law says scoping is for the “early identification of concerns, potential impacts, relevant effects of past actions and possible alternative actions.” .
    Following the “scoping” process, the NNSA and Livermore Lab will produce a Draft SWEIS. That too will have a public hearing and comment period, but they will be more narrowly focused as the “scope” of the review will have already been determined before the draft is written. In short, the “scoping” period going on now is an important part of the process! The agency’s choice of timing appears intended to minimize public involvement in the activities of this controversial nuclear weapons lab. We must rise to meet the challenge.
    The Federal Register Notice includes a cursory outline for the draft SWEIS that is partly the bare bones of what the law requires in terms of sections that any SWEIS must include and partly a very editorial vision of what the NNSA and Livermore Lab want the SWEIS to include (and what they don’t want it include).
    This scope outlined in the Federal Register Notice includes a statement of “purpose and need” for the review. In that section the NNSA has the audacity to claim: “The U.S. nuclear weapons infrastructure is aging and historically underfunded.” The facts say otherwise. Tri-Valley CAREs documented substantial budget increases for NNSA and its weapons labs during the last administration. And during the current administration the NNSA budget to “modernize” is 50% higher than when President Trump took office. The NNSA has squandered billions on these weapons of nuclear mass destruction. For the coming fiscal year alone, NNSA requested $15.6 billion for nuclear weapons activities. Livermore Lab requested $2.2 billion.
    Yet, despite years of budget increases for nuclear weapons activities, LLNL asserts that it “is in need of facilities and infrastructure investments. Half of the operating buildings at LLNL are assessed as being inadequate or in substandard condition.” This begs the question, why haven’t the existing funds been used to maintain existing infrastructure?
    Additionally the “purpose and need” statement capitalizes on the Trump Administration’s controversial 2018 Nuclear Posture Review and its call for a costly new generation of nuclear weapons. Then the “purpose and need” statement briefly notes: “LLNL will complete Life Extension Programs [this is a catch-all phrase the agency uses to describe fully new warhead designs as well as refurbishments] by conducting testing and maintenance of weapons.” This statement is left to stand without further explanation of what “testing” and “maintenance” entail.
    Yet, it is precisely the weapons work covered by that single sentence that will create “significant impacts to the environment.” This is clear from the Superfund cleanup of past weapons programs. Both the Main Site and Site 300 are Superfund sites and the cleanup will continue until sometime around 2060 (yes, nuclear weapons activities have caused that much pollution, including in multiple groundwater aquifers).
    The Federal Register Notice mentions in passing that the “Proposed operational changes are expected to include: “Changes to material-at-risk, administrative limits, and radiological bounding accident scenarios as a result of the deinventory of Security Category I and II special nuclear materials from LLNL, which was completed in 2012.”
    Let’s be clear. In plain English this is saying that NNSA and Livermore Lab will utilize this process to increase the amount of nuclear bomb grade plutonium that the Lab will be authorized to handle, use in experiments, and store at its Main Site in Livermore. This is a central reason – if not the reason – that the agency has decided to do a new SWEIS.
    Some of our long-time members will recall that in 2008 Tri-Valley CAREs gleaned the information that Livermore Lab had failed a force-on-force security drill in which one team of mock terrorists accessed the Lab’s plutonium facility and held it long enough to detonate a radiological bomb while a second team left the site unmolested with enough plutonium to detonate a nuclear bomb anywhere.
    We alerted the media, launched a public petition, and testified before the U.S. Congress. The upshot was that Livermore Lab lost its Category I/II security clearance to house nuclear bomb making quantities of plutonium and highly enriched uranium on site. That removal process was completed in 2012. Now, NNSA and Livermore Lab want to bring some of that nuclear material back. After they proved they could not keep it (and us) safe.
    The Federal Register Notice is silent on the details but it is worth noting that Livermore has been designated the lead lab in the development of a novel warhead, called the W87-1, which will require a new plutonium core unlike anything in the stockpile or in storage. Moreover, largely to serve the “needs” of this novel warhead, the NNSA has testified to Congress that its number one priority is to expand plutonium bomb core production. The production sites will be at the Savannah River Site in SC and the Los Alamos Lab in NM. The environmental review document for Los Alamos contains a chart that shows that site shipping plutonium to Livermore Lab for “material testing” for new bomb cores.
    This is a prime example of why public participation matters in a SWEIS process. At the public meeting and in written comments we the public can ask questions about this – and offer comments on its appropriateness in the highly populated Bay Area with earthquake fault zones all around.
    The scoping process for the SWEIS “is an opportunity for the public to assist NNSA in determining the alternatives and issues for analysis,” according to the Federal Register Notice. Tri-Valley CAREs stands ready to “assist.” We invite all members of the public to join us.
    In this regard, it is worth noting that several important programs being proposed by Livermore Lab did not get any mention in the Federal Register Notice. One of them is the plan to increase the size of toxic bomb blasts ten fold. These tests are slated to be carried out at Site 300 on outdoor “firing tables” with no air pollution control technology. Livermore Lab produced a paltry “assessment” and then applied to the Air District for a permit. These bomb blasts and other similar programs must be included in the SWEIS.
    While the Federal Register Notice spends too little time describing Livermore Lab’s current and proposed programs, it spends a lot on ink telling the public what it doesn’t want to look at. It states that “Alternatives that NNSA will not consider as reasonable are: The complete closure and decontamination and decommissioning of the Livermore Site or Site 300, and transfer of current missions/operations from LLNL to other sites, as those actions would be inconsistent with the LLNL mission defined by NNSA.” This illustrates the agency’s unwillingness to self-examine and is not an actual effort to analyze reasonable “alternatives,” especially the lack of unique mission for Site 300.
    Interestingly, the document also mentions that “Over the 15-year LLNL SWEIS planning horizon, NNSA has identified more than 110 excess facilities, totaling more than 1.1 million square feet, to be decontaminated, decommissioned, and demolished.” This likely includes the “High-Risk Excess Facilities” identified by the Department of Energy Inspector General, but also many more facilities that pose a risk to workers and the general public living and working near the Lab. We are eager to learn more specifics about plans to D & D these facilities. We will ask questions too about the funding to accomplish this program. The $109 million funding that was supposed to be used to start some of this work in the coming year instead got allocated to nuclear weapons projects at the Lab.
    Part Two: Meeting and Comment Period
    The Federal Register Notice states: “In light of recent public health concerns, NNSA will be hosting an internet-based, virtual public scoping meeting in place of an in-person meeting. The date of the meeting will be provided in a future notice posted on the following website: NNSA will hold the meeting no earlier than 15 days from the posting of the notice.”
    Frustratingly, it also notes that the “scoping” process will conclude by September 21. Just in case you don’t routinely check the NNSA website (and remember this process is supposed to be accessible to members of the general public), here is what happened next.
    Some time on August 19, the NNSA posted the announcement that it would hold a public scoping online meeting using a WebEx online platform.
    That public meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 2nd, a scant two weeks from the time of the announcement. Tri-Valley CAREs will participate, and we invite you to join us. The meeting will run from 6 – 8pm. The url is
    Importantly, we are also asking for a second public meeting to be held later in the fall.
    Tri-Valley CAREs is likewise seeking to extend the comment period from the paltry 45 days given in the Federal Register Notice to 120 days from the filing of the Notice on August 5th.
    We believe it is imperative that the NNSA gives the public more opportunity for engagement from the outset. We hope you join us in this effort to improve public and worker health and safety and influence the future operations of the Livermore Lab.
    Here below is a “sign and send” request to NNSA for an expanded public comment period and held a second meeting.
    Just copy the text and click the link to send it to the NNSA Document Manager. Don’t forget to add your name at the bottom and how the agency should send you its answer. As always, change or add anything you want to say…
    Ms. Fana Gebeyehu-Houston, NEPA Document Manager National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) P.O. Box 808, L-293 Livermore, CA 94551-0808
    The National Nuclear Security Administration and Livermore Lab have begun a public process to receive input on the scope of a new Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL or Livermore Lab) Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement (SWEIS), which is being prepared pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act.
    The Notice of Intent to prepare a new SWEIS was published in the Federal Register on August 5, 2020. The Federal Register Notice states that the public comment period is for a scant 45-days and will close on September 21, 2020.
    Further, the Federal Register Notice does not publicize the date and time for an online public scoping meeting, but states only that when such a meeting is scheduled a note will be placed on the NNSA website at The NNSA web site later announced an online meeting, scheduled very soon after it was posted, specifically on Wednesday, September 2, 2020.
    Livermore Lab is a more than $2 billion dollar a year enterprise involving two physical locations, a Main Site in Livermore in Alameda County and a “Site 300” High Explosives Testing Range near Tracy in San Joaquin County.
    For the coming fiscal year 88.7% of Livermore Lab’s budget is for nuclear weapons activities, which are inherently complex and controversial.
    Controversial as well is the proposal published in the August 5, 2020 Federal Register Notice to use this Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement process to increase the amount of plutonium and other nuclear bomb grade materials that can be used (and stored) at Livermore Lab.
    In “normal” times, this Federal Register Notice would establish a public comment period that is far too short (for 45-days) – with a public meeting that is being held far too close to its announcement (on September 2).
    And, these are far from “normal” times.
    The public meeting on September 2 is virtual, to be held online via a WebEx link. The technology itself limits the people who can participate. For example, low-income families and others who are technology challenged for a variety of reasons may not be able attend, and certainly not on short notice.
    If NNSA and Livermore Lab would agree to post a easily accessible recording of the September 2 public meeting – along with a written transcript – then those who were not able to attend via WebEx link would be able to obtain its content. With a second public meeting that is publicized well in advance, these and other members of the public could make arrangements to participate. And, with a longer public comment period, they could submit written comments more readily.
    This “hurry up” schedule is happening at the very time we the public must deal with the health risks of the Covid-19 pandemic, high unemployment, a faltering economy on “Main Street,” and, often, children who are doing distance learning from home.
    Further, some of the people most directly affected by Livermore Lab operations have had to flee their homes due to the still ongoing fires, and the Livermore Lab’s Site 300 High Explosives Testing Range near Tracy had to be evacuated due to fire danger.
    All of these things and more and severely limit the public’s capacity for civic engagement unless there is sufficient time for people to schedule it well in advance.
    Therefore, I request:
    That the public comment period be extended to 120-days from publication of the Notice of Intent on August 5, 2020 and,
    That a second online public meeting be set for the Livermore Lab Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement Scoping process later this fall, and
    That the second online public meeting will be publicized well in advance of the date it will be held, and
    That the NNSA and Livermore Lab advise me of any action they are taking pursuant to my request.
    Email and/or postal address:


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